Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cheesy Sprinkle

Every human is a master soul. There is no need to become a master, only to allow one's self to open to their mastery.

Aloha! I feel a bit more at a loss for words now that I am not sharing my Juice Feasting experience, but there is still plenty to share! Last week, I was in a funk...a pre-menstrual, getting over a sickness, ugly cold sore on my lip, sick of the dark days of winter funk! I even got a pregnancy test for the 1st time ever because it has been over a month (which is pretty normal for me) and I was really feeling hormonally unstable. The test was negative, for all those mamas and wishful aunties holding their breath! Alas, I feel like a normal human again and we were blessed with several days of sunshine in a row! Bliss! The forecast is dark again, but as long as I keep getting out there in it, my spirits are lifted. I have been entertaining the idea of Juice Feasting one day a week to see how my body likes that- a day of rest, a day of checking in and balancing. I haven't set a clear intention on it yet, but will experiment with Mondays beginning tomorrow. At the Hippocrates Health Institute, they drink only juice one day a week (Wednesdays) and if I do it consistently throughout the year, all of a sudden, I will have experienced 52 days per year of rejuvenating, nourishing Juice Feasting!
I am still eating highly raw (there are sneaky little things in there like nori sheets that are toasted...) and feel like this is best for me. Most of the time it's really smoothies, green juice, salad, fresh fruit, guacamole, salsa, avocado and sprouts wrapped in romaine and occasionally I feel a strong need to mix it up more often. It will be fun to continue to explore raw foods that I enjoy and that sustain me the best. One savory food that I love to sprinkle on salads, wraps and walnut tacos is Cheesy Sprinkle, which has come to be affectionately known in our home as Nut Cheese. It just takes a minute to combine all the ingredients in a food processor:
Nut Cheese
2 cups nutritional yeast
1 cup walnuts (raw and preferably soaked and dehydrated)
1 cup sunflower seeds (raw and preferably soaked and dehydrated)
2 tsp salt (Celtic sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt)

Sprinkle on anything and enjoy!! Store in refrigerator.

One very exciting development is that I am going to be doing all of the food preparation for lovely Jodi Petlin's yoga retreat here in May over Memorial Day weekend. Wanna experience amazing yoga and raw food bliss under the big skies of Montana? It 's going to be very FUN! Participants will arrive Saturday, May 24th and leave early Thursday May 29th. Save the date on your calendar and I will post more detailed information when the flyer is finished (soon!). The nourishment part of the retreat looks like a juice sandwich...2 days of delicious raw, green juices sandwiched on each side with 1.5 days of raw food bliss! I look forward to sharing this amazing nourishment with others and preparing it with lots of LOVE!!
Having the best day ever?! YAHOO!! Blessings, Kelly Ordway

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