Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hola amigos! We are back in the land of snow, and surprisingly, the land of sun these past few days. We have been getting warm enough cross country skiing to just wear tank tops and get some yummy sun, although there is still enough snow to ski over the fence! Here is a jugo (juice) photo from Mexico. The green ones are the yummy El Verde juice I've been raving about and Michael liked to get Playa (beach) which was blended papaya and bananas-yum! These were 20 pesos each, which is about $1.60!

I did the most exciting thing today! Besides cross country skiing with some friends, I planted the 1st seeds in our geodesic dome!! It was 30 degrees Fahrenheit outside and 61 degrees inside the dome! The soil is completely defrosted and cold season plants are ready to get started-this is an absolute miracle in Montana in February! I planted spinach, snap peas, cress, green onions and calendula flowers. All except for the cress seeds, which were given to me by a friend, these are all seeds I have saved from previous plants I have grown. If you allow a few plants to go to seed, you can dry and harvest them and never need to buy seeds every spring!

This is a picture of our dome about 6 weeks ago, covered in snow before we had to shovel it. All the snow is off of the dome now, but lots still on the ground. For contrast, I will leave you with a gorgeous photo of Bahia Carrazalillo from our recent visit. Hope you are having a very JOYOUS day!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Puerto Escondido

Aaaah. Life is good! We are deeply enjoying our time here in so many different ways. It is hard to imagine we will be returning to the land of wearing shoes again. What a treat it is this time of year to spend so much time under the starry sky and full moon. We are sure to savor, savor, savor!! I am so glad I brought nori sheets-they have been such a treat. We stock up on produce at the market and make little nori rolls filled with jicama, red bell pepper, avocado, hot sauce and lime juice-super delicious and a perfect light food for this climate. We are enjoying lots of fresh fruit like watermelon, papaya, pineapple, mango and drink a fresh coconut whenever we get the chance. I also brought Emergen-c lite packets for refreshing electrolyte replaceemnt when coconuts are not around.
I have had lots of time for meeting wonderful people from all over the world and lots of slow, quiet time for insight and introspection. The stars, planets and warm breeze seem to gift me with new perspective each day and I am reminded of the beauty of stepping out of our daily routine to GROW. The pace of life is alot slower here. Many times when we order guacamole, we see someone walk to their neighbor´s stall or drive to the market quick for the ingredients! For now, we immerse in our last day and share more soon!! XOXO

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Estamos en Mexico!!

Hola! We are currently in Puerto Escondido, Mexico and have such a rich journey in such a short time. We arrived in Mexico City after a very smooth trip and took a taxi to our friend´s home there, who is from Mex City. Mexico City is the 2nd largest city in the world at 18 million people!! I am glad I am not all raw right now because the pollution is intense! Our friends would tell us, It is not cloudy today-that is all pollution!! On the other hand, it is a magical place. They had a little fiesta at their home that night and everyone just loves to chat, share food, and most of all, DANCE! Wherever we go in Mexico, eeveryone is dancing, especially at restaurants-what a great way to digest our food...with fun, laughter and movement!

The next evening we were fortunate enough to dine at Las Delicias-an amazing traditional restaurant with lots of entertainment! Typically, lunch is the main meal, so the day will start with fresh squeezed orange juice and a banana, then play all day until you are ravenous for a late lunch. The late lunch lasts for hours and is rarely quiet when the food comes. Everyone is eating, dancing, chatting, drinking, rather than the silent scarfing that sometimes takes place in our culture. There was live music and dancing and although we knew the family friend we were with was kind of famous there, we didn´t realize that the band that played for the restaurant all night would surround our table for hours, singing without microphones because their strong voices sang with such passion and emotion. By the end of it all, we were there for about 11 hours!!!! I was able to find a traditional dish full of a kind of greens I had never tried-delish!

Here in Puerto-on the beach- fresh juices abound! I just had an El Verde which was alfalfa sprouts, cucumber, parsley and pineapple-wow! We took a very hot and long walking journey to the market yesterday and bought some gorgeous pineapple, papaya, amazing little bananas, limes, red bell pepper, tomatoes, avocado, etc and are making yummy breakfasts and snacks where we are staying. We enjoyed a gorgeous moonlit walk on the beach last night, stretching and breathing in the warm ocean breeze.

Now it is time to enjoy this lovely place while I am here! XOXO