Mmm! A mini-bouquet of wild edible violets! These gorgeous flowers are in great abundance right now and fuel me as we walk around the property playing frisbee golf!
Red Russian Kale, Bok Choy, Lacinato Kale and Carrots growing in the greenhouse! Salads and green smoothies galore!
Needless to say I have been spending most of my time Massaging, doing Yoga and Gardening! I am happy to be maintaining my commitment to my Yoga practice. Often I drop it this time of the year when I am so busy doing very physical labor in the garden, but my practice is keeping my body OPEN and helping to counteract all that forward bending. Also, integrating the principles of alignment from Anusara Yoga are really helping my knee heal-Hallelujah!
What kind of wild edibles are available in your area? If you don't know, maybe it would be fun to Google it now and go on an adventure!! xoxo!
Do you give classes on wild edibles? I'm also raw vegan too.
I'm in Creston.
thank you
Hello! Email me at and we can try to set up an exploration day if you like! I would love to meet you!!
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