Friday, December 28, 2007

Juice Feasting Anticipation...

Blessings all! This is very high tech for me, first an ipod, now this! But, the universe calls in the most unexpected ways! I will be embarking upon a Juice Feast on January 2nd, 2008 (for more info, check out On October 14th, 2007, I decided to take my lifestyle to the next level and have been eating mostly raw since. During the 1st 2 weeks, i fluctuated between boundless energy and cold-like symptoms. Since then, I have been feeling awesome! I felt quite comfortable in my body at 5'8" and 147 pounds, but quickly lost 10 pounds and feel even better! I have been highly inspired by reading others' blogs and feel called to document my journey, both for my own process and in hopes it could help others. My honey and I leave with amigos to the east side of Glacier Park to welcome in the new year in our friends' granny's cabin (she is 105 years old!). Cross country skiing, ice skating, homies and the silent bliss of the park with very few humans and lots of animals. Blessings to you as the welcoming of this new year continues from Winter Solstice! xo, ko

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