Friday, January 4, 2008


January 3rd, 2008 - Day 7 and Intentions!

The actions you take or do not take each day shape your destiny. David Wolfe

32 oz lemon, cayenne water w/ 1 Tbsp Sulphurzyme
2.5 qt celery, cuke, chard, sprout mix, carrot apple, ginger
12 oz grapefruit
1 Tbsp of each...bee pollen, hemp oil, Green Magma, coconut oil
1/4 tsp kelp, 2 digestive enzymes, enema, 1 cascara sagrada, 1 systemic enzyme
90 minutes yoga

I made 4 full quarts of juice, but was busy today and just didn't feel like drinking it all. My complexion is really clear, energy is high, but grounded and I find myself quite a bit more flexible than usual! I weighed in at 132 today, which means I have lost 15 pounds since going mostly raw in mid-October 2007 and 8 pounds since the start of the Juice Feast. Feels great!
Intentions...I have stated these internally, but have not written them down, so I thought I would share them with you and take the time to write them down clearly for myself.
  • to cleanse my entire being to prepare for pregnancy (anytime in the next few years)
  • to clear clouds for spiritual clarity and vibrant intuition
  • follow path of highest good (all of the raw food and Juice Feasting info I have been reading was too overwhelmingly exciting and full of truth not to go for it!)
  • to help others acheive and maintain their optimum health and wellness
  • Also, I simply needed to listen to that clear, inner voice that said I should do this. I did not see the complete details of the purpose which is to unfold, but the path was brightly lit!

Ciao for now! Kelly

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